Category: US Hardware

General Atomics in San Diego, Calif., is overseeing the fabrication of the central solenoid, including the development of specialized tooling stations. This de-spooling tool—being developed by Tauring in Torino, Italy—will become part of the part of the conductor winding station at GA. Photo: General Atomics

Building the heartbeat of ITER


To initiate and maintain plasma current, the international ITER fusion reactor requires a giant solenoid—which will be the largest pulsed electromagnet ever built. The 1,000 metric ton solenoid located in the center of the ITER tokamak will have 5.5 gigajoules of stored energy and be about 18 meters, or 60 feet, tall.

The Oak Ridge National Laboratory-developed pellet injector is installed on the DIII-D tokamak for fueling and plasma edge control experiments.

US ITER high-performance pellet injection system advances to next stage


Researchers at Oak Ridge National Laboratory developed a continuous extruder for fusion fuel and are advancing state-of-the-art fueling and plasma control for the ITER international fusion reactor now under construction in France. US ITER is managed by Oak Ridge National Laboratory for the U.S. Department of Energy. Reliable, high-speed continuous fueling is essential for ITER […]

Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory’s Russ Feder (left) and Dave Johnson developed key features for a modular approach to housing the extensive diagnostic systems that will be installed on the ITER tokamak. Photo: PPPL

Solutions developed for housing ITER diagnostics


When the ITER experimental fusion reactor begins operation in the 2020s, over 40 diagnostic tools will provide essential data to researchers seeking to understand plasma behavior and optimize fusion performance. But before the ITER tokamak is built, researchers need to determine an efficient way of fitting all of these tools into a limited number of […]

Thermal quench (TQ) and current quench (CQ) studies are part of the research underway on disruption mitigation and runaway electron suppression.

Disruption mitigation researchers investigate design options


ITER, the world’s first reactor-scale fusion machine, will have a plasma volume more than 10 times that of the next largest tokamak, JET. Plasma disruptions that can occur in a tokamak when the plasma becomes unstable can potentially damage plasma-facing surfaces of the machine. To lessen the impact of high energy plasma disruptions, US ITER […]

US ITER Project Manager Ned Sauthoff and ITER Director-General Osamu Motojima sign the low field side reflectometer Procurement Agreement on June 20, 2012 in Washington, DC. This diagnostic system will monitor electron density and aid assessment of fusion performance.

New Procurement Arrangement Signed for Low Field Side Reflectometer Diagnostic


―Agatha Bardoel Understanding and monitoring electron density profile evolution and density fluctuations is essential for assessing the stability of fusion performance inside a tokamak. A new system that monitors electron density, known as the low field side reflectometer, is one of US ITER’s diagnostics contributions to the ITER tokamak now under construction in France. ITER […]

A neutronics model of ITER is behind (left to right) Ed Marriott, Tim Bohm, Paul Wilson, Mohamed Sawan and Ahmad Ibrahim, US ITER researchers at the University of Wisconsin.

“Neutronics” at Wisconsin, ORNL advances ITER shielding and international collaboration


Computer codes calculate nuclear heating, neutron radiation damage and activation of fusion reactor materials. ―Lynne Degitz US ITER researchers at the University of Wisconsin and Oak Ridge National Laboratory are developing advanced processes to assess ITER’s unique tokamak components and materials in the presence of the tremendous amount of neutron flux and energy released by […]

Internal image of the three-barrel repeating pneumatic deuterium pellet injector used on DIII-D for pellet ELM pacing experiments.

Cryogenic deuterium machine gun corrals edgy plasma


―Agatha Bardoel Using a cryogenic deuterium pellet injector installed on the DIII-D tokamak operated for the Department of Energy Office of Science by General Atomics in San Diego, ORNL researchers and collaborators were able to fire millimeter-sized frozen deuterium pellets into ultra-hot plasma at a rate of 60 times per second. The results demonstrate that […]

US ITER toroidal field coil conductor production requires miles of niobium-tin superconducting wire.

US Production of Miles of Superconducting Wire is Under Way for ITER’s Super-Sized Toroidal Field Magnets


The ITER experimental fusion facility, now under construction in southern France, will use 100,000 kilometers of low-temperature, helium-cooled superconducting wire to generate the immense toroidal magnetic fields needed to confine 150 million degree Celsius plasma inside a tokamak machine.

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